MOTTO and Prologue : "[...]He said if they dug his father's body up, he will be gone. They planted a seed on his grave. The seed became a tree. Moses said that his father became a part of that tree. He grew into the wood, into the bloom and when the sparrows eat the tree's fruit, his father flew with the birds. He said the death was his father's road to awe..." - (from) The Fountain
Most people think you should prepare yourself for the moment of your death and others that you should embrace your death. I might call it understanding death, not your death. And some might say I should not think about death because I am so young... Regardless, here is what I've seen.
I always wondered why we, humans, tried hard to become immortals and I could understand it back then, when I didn't have this glimpse. We are afraid of losing something. So, there are mainly two things that makes us wanting immortality and both are irrational: one is fear of losing something and the other is the idea that we own something.
As long as we will always believe we posses even the smallest thing in the world, we will fear death, not our death... But when we will understand we don't really have a thing to call our own, then that OUR will be gone too and fear of death along with it.
Interlude : "Death is a disease! Is like any other! And there's a cure! A cure!
And I will find it! " (from) The Fountain
And I will find it! " (from) The Fountain
Some might think that one day the amazing human society will manage to find the elixir of immortality and on that day we shall live together, eternally, in the garden of Eden, where there's no suffering, no grieving...
So, this kind of folks will always attempt to make out of themselves a frozen image of their own, an unchanged appearance of their existance, but what they failed to observe throughout their lives is that the nature of things is to change, not to be born, not to get frozen, not to die, not to be reborn.
...And when we will understand we change, we will understand that we own nothing, because everything changes, so that nothing stays the same. It's one of the beauties of life. So, if we own nothing, then we will lose nothing. Therefore, nothing to fear and nothing to lose.
Epilogue: "[...] I'll bloom and you will live..." (from) The Fountain
... And so many think that we even have something like a birth and a birth date, which - in fact - is a change and a change date. We become something of what the previous form of life was. Life never ceases, so life does not need to be preserved and defended. We need no cure for death for there is no such thing... Death is the change and because we called it death, our minds were ever frightened by its coming... And now I will show you what I mean by death.
Afterlude or The Change:
"- I don't know how it ends.
- You do... You will..."
Because not even my writting dies or ends... nor does it have an epilogue for there is someone in which my writting will pass on and that one will think forward and change what I think now and when I will "bloom", that one will "live" ... And now, instead of an ending...
A Word of Change :
"[...]- Will you deliver Spain from bondage?
-Upon my honor and my life!
-Then you shall take this ring to remind you of your promise.
You shall wear it when you find Eden and when you return
I shall be your Eve. Together we will live forever..."
(from) The Fountain
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